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Research and Cultural Networks

Many networks and institutions for Chinese art and culture exist across major Scottish cities. These networks serve a valuable function in providing opportunities for individuals to increase their knowledge in specific cultural areas or even just encouraging engagement with contemporary Chinese culture. Find out more below about these organisations’ work to promote Chinese art, music, language, craft, and much more. 

Scottish Centre for China Research

Scottish Centre for China Research (SCCR) is Scotland’s leading centre for post-graduate research on China. Based in the University of Glasgow, they provide facilities for over 50 students undertaking doctoral research. Doctoral programmes are located administratively within eight Schools across the arts and social sciences. SCCR encourages cross-disciplinary fertilisation and inter-disciplinary research by organising seminars, lectures and other events with a China-centred focus. Academic staff meet regularly to discuss China-related research themes and collaborate on particular projects.

Ricefields Arts and Cultural Centre

The Ricefields Arts and Cultural Centre is based in Glasgow. And works to deliver art workshops, organises cultural events and produces exhibitions to help promote the exploration of Chinese art in Scotland. This organisation aims to provide information to schools, community organisations and utmostly focuses on reaching out to Chinese communities in Scotland.  

Confucius Institute for Scotland

The Confucius Institute for Scotland at the University of Edinburgh is a national centre that promotes educational, economic, and cultural ties between Scotland and China. Set up in partnership between the Chinese and Scottish Governments and Fudan University in Shanghai, the centre was established under an initiative taken by Hanban – the Chinese Government department responsible for promotion of Chinese language overseas.  

The Confucius Institute for Scotland is one of more than 450 Confucius Institutes around the world. The principal remit for Confucius Institutes is the promotion and development of Chinese language and culture. Each institute determines its own programme of activity based on market conditions.  

Edinburgh Chinese Arts Association

The Edinburgh Chinese Arts Association works to preserve and promote Chinese culture and arts in Scotland. This Edinburgh association was established in 2013, and since then has worked independently to provide a platform that displays Chinese art. The association caters to audiences wanting to learn more about Chinese arts and culture, through mediums such as music, performance arts, painting and calligraphy.

Scotland-China Association (SCA)

Founded in 1966, the Scotland-China Association (SCA) is a non-profit, non-political and non-sectarian organisation for members who have an interest in all aspects of Chinese life and civilisation. It organises a wide range of events in Edinburgh and Glasgow to foster friendships and cultural understanding between the people of Scotland and China. It also publishes the Association’s news, events and articles related to China-Scotland relations in the magazine Sine, which literally means China in Scottish Gaelic.